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Une Villa En Urgence : une solution d’habitat raisonné, rapide et efficace pour les réfugiés climatiques, mais aussi tous les autres sans abris... ici en France mais aussi partout dans le monde

Au moment où la COP23 laisse entrevoir un avenir sombre pour la planète, il devient plus qu’urgent de proposer des solutions de logements aux 250 millions de réfugiés climatiques qui vont devoir adapter leur lieu de vie aux nouvelles conditions écologiques. L’Association HOME 311 Tabary Le Lay lance avec différents partenaires une solution gratuite et solidaire pour pouvoir apporter en urgence une habitation passive modulaire, modulable, adaptable et mobile. Nouveaux partenaires bienvenus!

Une Villa en Urgence est un assemblage de remorques frigorifiques liées entre-elles par des passerelles et peut être envisagée pour créer :


  • des maisons sociales,

  • pour réfugiés climatiques, écoles…

  • des centres d’accueil pour sans abris

  • logements sociaux


Quelques chiffres parlants :


  • capacité de 40 à 80 personnes

  • 20 chambres de 2 pers. ou plus

  • 1 cuisine, 1 réfectoire, des sanitaires, 1 laverie, locaux techniques...,

  • Superficie de 130 m2, hauteur de 13 m

  • Le tout aux normes en vigueur


Cette habitation passive, à l’heure où l’écologie réclame des solutions innovantes,

peut être déplacée par différents moyens de transports :

fluvial, ferroviaire, routier.


Un projet en cours

« faire de cette Villa en Urgence, une maison témoin sur une place publique

à Lyon courant 2018 » afin de sensibiliser à la cause des plus démunis au XXIè





english version 2

While COP23 is painting a very bleak future for this planet, requiring urgent, innovative and adapted housing solutions has become a priority for the 250 million climate refugees, who need to adapt their place of living with new ecological conditions.


By 2050, according to the latest UN study, there will be 250 million climate refugees worldwide. Based on this observation and to bring a concrete and urgent solution, the newly-created french association HOME 311 Tabary Le Lay, run by interior designers Frédéric Tabary &  Jean-Charles Le Lay, have imagined for months a fast-and- easy housing concept, based on the recycling of available ressources, yet designated for destruction so far : refrigerated containers.

HOME 311 Tabary Le Lay -which head office is located in the french city of Lyon- has just launched an innovative and revolutionary supporting solution, supported by financial partners, called «  Une Villa en urgence « ( an emergency villa ), which is a modular, adaptable, movable and passive house, made of refrigerated boxes.

The challenge for «  Une Villa en Urgence » is to provide the world with an emergency habitat, anywhere on Earth.

And « beyond the words of our leaders concerning the climate issues, it becomes more than urgent and essential to transform words into deeds", claims Frédéric Tabary, chairman of HOME 311 Tabary Le Lay.

Tabary & Le Lay benefit from an important experience on this type of humanitarian and ecological projects, especially since the experience of the « Villa déchets « (the waste villa) in 2010, the very first architect house in France entirely made from urban waste.
7 years ago, Tabary imagined and created the « Villa Déchets » in the french city of Nantes.
This was not about raising awareness about waste prevention, but to demonstrate that it is possible to build solid and reliable sustainable habitats, adapted to various regions and lasting over time.
Between January and June 2018, The Villa en urgence will be mounted in Lyon to demonstrate the viability of the project :

- A passive house adapted to international transport
- 125 m2 up to a height of 13 meters
- 20 rooms with twin beds, accommodating 40 people with all the necessary comfort
- Kitchen, refectory, bathroom, toilets, technical room, all in compliance with current standards

But as a simple demonstration is still not enough to really develop this solution, HOME 311 is going to industrialize the production of those innovative homes, supported by financial partnerships.
That is the reason why, from March 2018, an assembly plant located near Rennes (Brittany, France), will produce numerous square meters of housing from the boxes of refrigerated trucks and refrigerated containers, which are perfect on a structural point of view, because they are :


- solid
- insulated
- free from thermal bridges
- well-adapted for housing in terms of dimensions


Up to now, and because of the strict european sanitary standards, those boxes could not be used
more than 12 years in a row, and no one knew how to recycle them ! Therefore, they were shipped
to Africa, for destruction, despite their perfect condition !
It seems obvious to us that an awareness of climate change is under way, but what can we
to do until the world agrees on long-term or medium-term goals ?
We felt that recycling thousands of square meters already half usable, and give them a second life for people in an emergency situation, was an easy and coherent answer to implement ... indicates Tabary, who specifies that France, India or Bangladesh find themselves facing the same issue of rising water on the long term, that should in the end require to move back the old habitats towards more sheltered lands.





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